Current and Past Indian Housing Plans

What is the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program?

The Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG) is a formula grant that provides a range of affordable housing activities on Indian reservations and Indian areas. The block grant approach to housing for Native Americans was enabled by the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA).

Eligible IHBG recipients are Federally recognized Indian tribes or their tribally designated housing entity (TDHE), and a limited number of state recognized tribes who were funded under the Indian Housing Program authorized by the United States Housing Act of 1937 (USHA). With the enactment of NAHASDA, Indian tribes are no longer eligible for assistance under the USHA.

Each year, recipients of Indian Housing Block Grant use EPIC to electronically submit an Indian Housing Plan (IHP) to receive funding and complete an Annual Performance Report (APR) (Form HUD-52737). EPIC is an internet-based application that automates much of the process for completing and submitting IHPs/APRs, IHP Amendments, IHP Waivers, and Tribal Certifications.

Eligible activities include housing development, assistance to housing developed under the Indian Housing Program, housing services to eligible families and individuals, crime prevention and safety, and model activities that provide creative approaches to solving affordable housing problems.

2023 Indian Housing Plan
2022 Indian Housing Plan
2021 IHBG-ARP Indian Housing Plan/Annual Performance Report
2021 Indian Housing Plan
2020 Covid-19 Indian Housing Plan/Annual Performance Report
2020 Indian Housing Plan
2019 Indian Housing Plan